Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 365!!!!!

It's weird to think that I'm ending this project in similar ways that I started it. First, I was in Ecuador when I began this project. A couple days before I left for Ecuador, I decided to take a picture a day while I was there. Before I left I decided to do the 365 photography project.

It was a tough project. In a sense it was very tedious. The thought of having to take and then edit a picture every day is overwhelming. Especially if I ended up taking hundreds of pictures in one day. It took a lot of organization, motivation, and patience.

For now, I am happy to be done with this project. I believe in the future I will attempt it again, or something like it, but for now I will continue to take pictures and post them when I decide to.

I hope to further my knowledge about photography, and I hope to get a few more clients. I have a few families that use me, but I hope that I can began to spread the word a little bit more.

Playing hand and foot waiting for midnight.


Rach said...

Hey, I'm REALLY proud of you for seeing the project through. I'm sure it was hard at times! I loved seeing the glimpses into your life through your pictures. Please keep posting often!

Love you.

Karin said...

Yea, again!:)