Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 193

(f/4.5; 1/160s; ISO 100; 50mm lens) 
 So, I think I really love the picture above. The colors, and the mountains in the background... it makes me smile.

(f/4.5; 1/10s; ISO 800; 50mm lens) 
Also, it was this little boy's (the boy on the left) birthday today. Happy Birthday sweet Grady.  Way to turn 2! It's crazy to see how fast he's grown up. I feel like it was practically yesterday that I met him as an itty, bitty newborn. And yes, that is remnants of his birthday cake on their faces.

I know, the shutter speed is SO slow... but I didn't know how to get decent pictures with the little lighting I had.


Karin said...

I'm with you on that first picture, for sure! Has it been edited at all, or is it sooc? It is sunny and happy - kind of an inspirational picture. Maybe you should come up with a pithy saying to add to it:)

I love the cake on the boys - so cute! I can't believe it's been 2 years, either. Lighting- if you can't turn on more lights in the room, sometimes the "flashy" look is better than the blurred look (IMO), although I hardly ever use this alternative. I think it's helpful with squirmy little boys, though.

So I am only testing (and buying) Lightroom right now (I've never used Photoshop before), but my understanding is that Photoshop has MANY more capabilities than Lightroom for editing. You can do down to pixel-leven changes on your pictures. Lightroom is a great sorting and rating system that can still do edits (many preset edits are included), but not down to the extent that Photoshop can do. It is a very easy program to use, whereas apparently Photoshop can be much more difficult. It is also great for handling large numbers of photos at one time. That's about all I know at this point, but when Lightroom arrives and I get to know it I can tell you more:)

I think you can trial both of them, if you want to: www.adobe.com.

Sarah said...

I love these pics, too! The top one is peaceful and lovely.

What sweet boys. So glad to see them here!