Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101

So, I've been researching getting a new lens. Preferably a cheaper one. :) I was wondering if anyone had an opinion about this, and which one I should get? Any recommendations?

I know graduation is coming up, and I'll be getting a gift from my parents. So, mom, if you read this post and you're trying to figure out a gift. I could give you a few ideas :)

This is one lens that I am looking at, do any of you know how useful it would be? Also, what do the filters do? Do they really make much of a difference? And what about the wide angle lenses? Those are cheap, but what's the point of them?

(f:22; 1/13s; ISO 100)
I couldn't decide if I liked it better in b&w or not. :)


Karin said...

Okay, so I don't know a ton about lenses yet, as all I have are my kit lens (18-55mm f/3.5-5.6) and a 50mm f/1.8 lens. There are times when I'm in a situation where I would really like a wide-angle lens - particularly if the space is tight. I know this doesn't address the exact lens that you pictures, but Courtney did a helpful comparison between three different kinds of lenses - wide angle included:

I think it's a great idea to 'suggest' photography equipment for your graduation:) Wish I was graduating for this purpose - haha!

Karin said...

Sorry- this is the link I meant to give you:

Katelyn said...

I like the colored picture best. I think its really cool.

Julianna said...

I like the color one better too.